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Compensation For Pregnancy Discrimination

You have the right to become pregnant without suffering negative consequences to your career. Unfortunately, many managers and business owners choose to punish pregnant employees and job applicants for their decision to have a child. Making employment decisions based on whether or not the worker is pregnant is against the law. If you have experienced pregnancy discrimination, you could be entitled to substantial financial compensation for the harm done to your career.

Strong Pregnancy Discrimination Attorneys

At Katz Melinger PLLC, we have distinguished ourselves as proven litigators and tough negotiators on behalf of plaintiffs. We will work diligently to help you get justice after suffering pregnancy discrimination.

How Discrimination Affects Pregnant Workers

Both New York and federal law prohibit employers from discriminating against employees based on their pregnancy status. This form of discrimination can take several forms, such as

  • Declining to hire a qualified job candidate because she is pregnant
  • Not promoting an employee solely because she is, or is trying to become, pregnant
  • Demoting, firing or otherwise punishing a woman for a pregnancy-related condition
  • Reducing a pregnant employee’s wages or hours due to her pregnancy

If your employer discriminated against you because you were pregnant, the resulting harm to your career could include lost wages, lost future opportunities and damage to your reputation. We will be your advocates to recover fair compensation and put an end to your employer’s discriminatory practices.

Assisting Employers With Pregnant Employees

Businesses, especially smaller ones, are often unsure of what their responsibilities are to provide accommodations for pregnant employees or how to handle an employee’s pregnancy-related related needs such as doctor’s appointments or more frequent bathroom breaks Our strong understanding of these issues allows us to provide businesses with the proper advice and guidance to ensure that their pregnant employees are treated fairly and in accordance with the law while protecting the employer’s interests.

Contact Us To Get Started On Your Case

Call Katz Melinger PLLC at 212-460-0047 to meet with one of our employment lawyers. Our office is in Manhattan, and we represent clients throughout the New York metro area and northern New Jersey. You can also describe your case to us via email.