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The Gender Wage Gap: Progress, Challenges, and Individual Action

On Behalf of | Jan 2, 2024 | Wage And Hour/Overtime

Is the gender wage gap closing? According to the Pew Research Center, women earned, on average, 82 cents for every dollar men made in 2022. While strides have been made, challenges persist, impacting women’s ability to secure fair compensation in the workplace.

Positive Trends:

Recent data indicates progress in the number of women working in high-paying positions like doctors and pharmacists. Today, women occupy about 35 percent of roles in top-paying industries, a significant rise from the 13 percent in 1980. Additionally, there is growth in female representation in the arts and social fields.

Closing the Gap Without Advanced Degrees:

Statistically, the wage gap has narrowed significantly among workers without advanced degrees. In 1982, women earned 62 percent of what men earned, and today, that figure has risen to 83 percent among workers without high school diplomas.

Persistent Disparities:

Despite these positive shifts, a substantial wage gap remains, particularly for women in comparable roles and backgrounds. Women continue to be underrepresented in STEM fields, construction, and production, contributing to the persistent wage disparities.

Educational Gains and Wage Gap:

While women have made valuable gains in education, the financial premium employers pay for workers with college degrees has diminished since 2010. Merely securing an advanced degree may not be enough to close the gap between male and female employees.

Individual Action:

Addressing the wage gap or even narrowing it is a complex issue. However, workers can advocate for the full and fair wages they deserve on an individual level. Understanding the relevant laws, such as New York’s pay transparency and bans on employees’ salary history inquiries, is crucial. Employees and job seekers can leverage platforms like Glassdoor for compensation information and connect with people in similar roles to gather insights.

Empowering Workers:

This information can help female workers determine if they are receiving equitable pay. If disparities exist, exploring avenues such as filing a complaint or taking legal action could be options worth considering.

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